Obama Lies, America Dies… An Open Letter to Barack HUSSEIN Obama

English: Student pledging to the flag, 1899.

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

English: I took photo in Asherton, TX, with Ca...

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Mr. Obama…eh, Soetoro…uh Soebarkah…wait a minute, Bounel…no, Ludwig

What the hell… Whoever you are…

For the last five years we have watched as you have shucked and jived, exaggerated, distorted and outright lied about many things of significant importance to the American people. You have interjected yourself in events for the sole purpose of bringing attention TO you, yet feign ignorance of issues that show you are totally clueless as to what it REALLY means to be the leader of the free world.

You close the doors of The People’s House to the People, yet continue your lavish partying with “celebrities”. You ignore facts and evidence that run counter to your support for your muslim bretheren, allowing members of that “brotherhood” into highly sensitive positions throughout the government in order to cleanse various departments of all things “anti-muslim”. Your Defense Dept. classifies the actions of a known enemy sympathizer as “workplace violence”, while others such as the DHS, CIA, FBI etc. are characterizing whistleblowers and other patriotic Americans as “terrorists”.

We cannot display the Ten Commandments in public spaces, schools no longer allow students to recite The Pledge of Allegiance.  Men and women of faith in the military face punishment for exercising their faith, yet muslims are allowed to practice their faith unmolested in schools or wherever they demand.

This didn’t start with you, Mr. Transparency, but you have not followed up on any of your promises to curtail the actions of these departments. Instead you allow these things to increase. You bow to foreign leaders, make apologies and excuses. Your foreign policy is a sham, and domestically you and your administration have done nothing but work towards the destruction of our economy, set race relations back 50-60 years, and feverishly work to reshape our education system into one of indoctrination.

It is crystal clear that you and your acolytes want the rest of America to be ashamed of our heritage and culture, but I tell you now that what you are doing will not stand. There is a groundswell forming that you and your supporters will not be able to withstand. Your so called domestic army, just as strong as the military,  will wither and blow away as so much dust if ever called to act against the American Patriots who choose to stand for our Country and Constitution.  The attempts by you, your party and the RINO’s to run roughshod over our founding documents and principles will continue to face mounting resistance, regardless of E.O.’s or other edicts. I shall never kneel before you, nor shall I pray to you.

You have no concept of what it really means to be an American, I suggest you learn and act accordingly, or step down before you are forced to do so.

With Abundant Resolve

Bret W. Bourg

Egyptian Authorities Crack Down on The Muslim Brotherhood: Possible Ban

See, ladies and gentlemen, there is a God. And He is on the side of light and justice, and the American, Israeli, and Egyptian People. He is for all of us that stand against brutal dictators, tyrannical governments, and nefarious organizations. Now, the Egyptian military and government is considering a ban on the Muslim Brotherhood. Thank God. The Egyptian People have spoken, the world has spoken, and there is no place or tolerance for Radical Islamic Terrorists and Extremists among a civilized world and societies. We here in America do not want them on our shores or influencing policy in our country, Israel certainly does not want them in power, and now the good, everyday regular people of the Middle East in general are rejecting these ideologies, specifically that of the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda in Egypt.

Over the last week, several clashes between Muslim Brotherhood supporters and those opposed to the Brotherhood, including the military, have resulted in violence, blood, and chaos across Egypt. While terrorists like to encourage all those things, their attitude changes quickly when the shoe is on the other foot. That is because Islamic Extremists are cowards at their core, and will do whatever two-faced deeds are necessary to survive. They will kill and spill the blood of the innocent without regard to decency or law, and then when they find themselves under attack, they will attempt to invoke those same laws.

With Radical Islam, they are an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth, so reap the whirlwind, Muslim Brotherhood. Live by the sword, die by the sword. You made your bed with the help of your #1 Fan Barack Hussein Obama, now lie in it and take your medicine. And if you think Obama is going to come and help you, I have bad news for you. He is not. It is no longer convenient or politically ideal for him to support you. His time in America is almost over. Soon, both Barack Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood will be obscure aberrations in history, both only remembered for their failures.

Over the last week, 700 + people have died in Egypt alone, meanwhile Secretary of State John Kerry and the POTUS are off on vacation as usual. Syria is continuing to get worse and worse as the days pass, and even two of the biggest political rino whores in history, Senator John McCain (R)- AZ and Senator Lindsey Graham (R)- SC have decided it is time for them to stand with Senator Rand Paul (R)- KY on not sending money and arms to the Middle East with a blank check. 

Goodbye, Muslim Brotherhood. May God Bless and Protect the good people of Egypt and keep the Coptic Christians there from slaughter. Let us look at Egypt’s military as a reminder of what a military with their priorities straight and the interest of The People look like. It is a sad day when Americans are taking examples of revolution and righteousness from the Egyptian People and their military. That should be a testament to just how far down Obama and his supporters have driven this country. Let’s throw off the shackles of them in the 2014 Mid-Term Elections.

God Bless You.

Daniel P. O’Rourke

Conservative Cannibalism


(Photo Courtesy of http://www.sodahead.com/)

Does this image disturb you? It should. Does this happen very often in real life, no, but I think that there is at least one case of physical cannibalism each year. And while I will not say that mental, emotional, and ideological cannibalism is worse, per say, I will state that it is a growing epidemic among conservative groups, organizations, and pages on social media.

I chose this image for three reasons: 1.) To get your attention. 2.) To symbolize cannibalism. 3.) To show you how ugly it is getting, even when it is just words that are being used to eat the young of groups and individuals that are supposed to be on each others side in so-called conservative movements.

I have said it before and I’ll say it again; the one thing that Liberals have that we Conservatives do not is unity and community. They back each other up no matter how ridiculous or abhorrent another liberals remarks, actions, or ideas are.

Now, I am not saying that we should do that, too, I am just saying lets not be so quick to rip the proverbial throat and heart out of other conservatives before they even finish the sentence it is that might irritate you. As Conservatives, the one thing we always had over the liberals was the moral high-ground, before our country started becoming more interested in all things  Evil like the image on the left represents, then they were in God.

Today, however, that is not the case. I usually like to bash on liberals, admittedly, but today I am going to call out my own folks, some conservatives, and others only conservative in name to make a quick buck.

The most common type of conservative cannibalism that you see today, and the area that has the most viral and nasty strains of this type of sickness, is between the conservative pages on Facebook.

The amount of division among not just different so-called conservative pages, but the people who are members of the same page, and sometimes even the admins of those pages, cannot get a long with anyone who is another conservative long enough to forge any true alliances and unity in order to change the minds of Americans. Instead, all they do is bicker among themselves and with others who are all supposed to be on the same team, because one or the others’ ideas do match up 100% with the their’s and that ladies and gentlemen, is going to kill us.

If we do not get it together by 2014  and win the mid-term elections, you will see the rise of Hillary, and she will most likely win the election, especially if the in-fighting of the Republican Party continues. You got the old-school guys like McCain and Graham, (Both Rino’s) that would rather work with the Democrats and diminish their once great standing among conservatives, because they are more worried about being out-shined by the new breed Tea Party Conservatives like Senator Rand Paul (R) Kentucky and Senator Ted Cruz (R) Texas, than losing their power and influence over the GOP. It is sad and it is a shame.

What happens to these people, both the creators and supporters of certain so-called conservative pages, as well as the politicians, is a three-ingredient recipe for disaster. Ego, Money, and Power become the driving forces in their lives and movements, until it permeates everything about them. The three original ingredients cook into Narcissism, Greed, Corruption. And once good people and movements become infected by the virus that causes them to eat each other and themselves, eventually.

Some of these people just want to sell a brand and merchandise under the guise of being patriotic and having conservative values, when they could really care less about anyone or anything but themselves. But who am I talking about, conservative pages and admin on Facebook, or politicians? See what I am getting at? It is pretty scary when you can’t tell the two apart anymore, but here are the three things they have in common for many of them that claim to represent the ideals of traditional American values. They cry out freedom and all the other keywords that get people’s attention, appearing to fight valiantly against the liberal hoard, and their Dictator in Washington, all the while acting like power-hungry dictators themselves, silencing opinion, lashing out at constructive criticism, and demanding everyone that follows them to bow down and obey, and to only hear their message, and only wear their T-Shirt, and only fly their flag.

Sound familiar? It should, because you can see it happening all around you. People shake their heads and say, “How did we lose that election,” or, “How do people like this keep getting voted in?” The answer to that is simple. We lack unity, and that is because a small percent of the people calling themselves conservatives are truly only interested in building themselves a base to make money off of. Now, there is nothing wrong with making money. This is America and I am an unashamed capitalist pig, but at least be honest. Have some integrity and be who you are instead of pretending to be some super-hero to the masses, and even your own people, that you could care less about. Again, who am I referring too? The Facebook “Commanders” of certain conservative pages, or the phony politicians that they are supposedly rallying against?

You want to know three more things they have in common, folks? Paranoia, control issues, and a lack of Jesus in their lives. They will say the names, God and Jesus all day, people, if it makes them more money and a few more fans or voters, but the truth is that it is just another marketing strategy to them.

Most of the conservative base is Christian, some are not, but a lot are. We here at Christian Patriots United are not perfect, we are not here to beat you over the head with a Bible, judge you, tell you how to live, what to believe in, or preach to you, but we will bring you the truth, even if it is hard and ugly, and we will do it for free. We are non-profit organization. We are a community. I firmly believe that the Lord Almighty strengthens our hands for battle against our and His enemies, but that is only when there is no chance of negotiating with reason, logic, and diplomacy. Ask yourself this, too; what did God say, what did Christ say about loving your neighbor and praying for you enemies? The answer is simple. He said to do both.

So, when you see a so-called conservative group or politician saying that they want God back in things, know them by the fruit they bear. The real ones will be positive and calm, the false ones will be aggressive and dismissive. The real ones will be firm, but calm, the fake ones will huff and puff and scream and yell. The real one’s will have respect for different opinions from like-minded people when trying to come to a solution to the same problem from different perspectives. The fake ones will become enraged at anyone that does not agree with them and their view totally, and will brand them an enemy, a poser, and not a true patriot.

If you stop and think for yourselves as intelligent, conservative, believers in God, you know the truth in your heart, mind, and soul. We have to recognize these things quickly, so that we can turn this great nation around before it is too late. This conservative cannibalism has got to stop, and we need to separate ourselves from the false prophets of conservatism as fast as we can, before their rage, lust for money and power, and anger destroy what is left of our movement. They attack from the inside, sometimes intentionally, sometimes blinded by their own pride, while the Left attacks from every direction. How can we fight off an invading enemy if our body is so sick with internal infection that we cannot even stand?

Some people will read this and shout, “Why is he saying that? Isn’t he a conservative and a patriot?!” I am both of those things, but if you think our common enemy cannot see it plain as day, you are sadly mistaken. The men and women that pose as conservatives, whether in media or politics that are only there to make a buck, are the same and no better than most of the television evangelists you see telling you to give them all your money while wearing tailored suits and diamond studded jewelry. Lucifer rules the airwaves, so be weary my friends.

God Bless You.

Daniel P. O’Rourke