Pass on our history, your faith, and patriotism

As I sit here writing this, I think of my young daughter and the future of this country. What will it be like for her? Will the United States of America no longer be united? Will evil have completely taken over? With God slowly being removed from our every day lives, it seems as though we are already stepping into that darkness. This is one thing that truly keeps me awake at night sometimes.

The United States Constitution was written by our Founding Fathers with the notion that we would always have God in our hearts and minds, and to protect that beautiful document at all costs.

Those of us who believe in the Lord know, and understand, that in order for this country to survive, we must restore this country’s faith in Him. Not only for us to continue to have our freedoms and liberties, but for our future generations to survive as well.

Those of us with children in our lives need to teach them about our history before it is lost forever. Help them understand what it means to be free and why we must have pride for those who fight in far away lands to keep us safe here at home. Tell them about the American Revolutionary War and how 3% of citizens, true patriots, banned together to fight against tyranny and won. If our schools won’t teach about our past, we must take it upon ourselves to pass it on.

Since they will not allow God in schools, it is our job to teach from the Bible. If each of us do this for one child, the future outcome could be a great one. The Bible has many great verses about freedom. 1 Peter 2:16 states ” Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God’s slaves.” And Galations 5:13 says “You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another humbly in love.”

As an American patriot, I want our future to be bright and we must work at that. I want God in the lives of our children so that the foundations of this great nation can live on forever. I want the Ten Commandments to be instilled in our future generations so we can restore morality and respect. Our children need to understand why we are willing to speak out against those who wish to silence our faith.

Brothers and sisters, in the U.S. and even those of you abroad, it is OUR job to inform the next generations. Pass along your faith, pride, and patriotism. We can not allow the liberal disease to spread any more further. We will be labeled, we will be fought against, and we will be looked down upon. But I know that none of you true patriots will stand down, we will fight for what we believe in.

God Bless You All.

Jason Vandeberg


Obama Lies, America Dies… An Open Letter to Barack HUSSEIN Obama

English: Student pledging to the flag, 1899.

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

English: I took photo in Asherton, TX, with Ca...

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Mr. Obama…eh, Soetoro…uh Soebarkah…wait a minute, Bounel…no, Ludwig

What the hell… Whoever you are…

For the last five years we have watched as you have shucked and jived, exaggerated, distorted and outright lied about many things of significant importance to the American people. You have interjected yourself in events for the sole purpose of bringing attention TO you, yet feign ignorance of issues that show you are totally clueless as to what it REALLY means to be the leader of the free world.

You close the doors of The People’s House to the People, yet continue your lavish partying with “celebrities”. You ignore facts and evidence that run counter to your support for your muslim bretheren, allowing members of that “brotherhood” into highly sensitive positions throughout the government in order to cleanse various departments of all things “anti-muslim”. Your Defense Dept. classifies the actions of a known enemy sympathizer as “workplace violence”, while others such as the DHS, CIA, FBI etc. are characterizing whistleblowers and other patriotic Americans as “terrorists”.

We cannot display the Ten Commandments in public spaces, schools no longer allow students to recite The Pledge of Allegiance.  Men and women of faith in the military face punishment for exercising their faith, yet muslims are allowed to practice their faith unmolested in schools or wherever they demand.

This didn’t start with you, Mr. Transparency, but you have not followed up on any of your promises to curtail the actions of these departments. Instead you allow these things to increase. You bow to foreign leaders, make apologies and excuses. Your foreign policy is a sham, and domestically you and your administration have done nothing but work towards the destruction of our economy, set race relations back 50-60 years, and feverishly work to reshape our education system into one of indoctrination.

It is crystal clear that you and your acolytes want the rest of America to be ashamed of our heritage and culture, but I tell you now that what you are doing will not stand. There is a groundswell forming that you and your supporters will not be able to withstand. Your so called domestic army, just as strong as the military,  will wither and blow away as so much dust if ever called to act against the American Patriots who choose to stand for our Country and Constitution.  The attempts by you, your party and the RINO’s to run roughshod over our founding documents and principles will continue to face mounting resistance, regardless of E.O.’s or other edicts. I shall never kneel before you, nor shall I pray to you.

You have no concept of what it really means to be an American, I suggest you learn and act accordingly, or step down before you are forced to do so.

With Abundant Resolve

Bret W. Bourg

My Parenting Resolutions for 2013: Health and Fitness for the Mind, Body, and Soul


This is the only Family Unit we need in this country.

We are half-way through 2013 already, but I thought that I would share my parenting plan (at least the attempt) with you all. The traditional family unit and the two parents, whether married or divorced, is the single most important element in a strong society, other than God, who is the foundation and the cornerstone. With God, the parents, and the family, we grow good, decent children most of the time. The children truly are the future, so it scares me to think about who might be leading the country in 20 years. So, I am doing my part to strive to raise good kids, children that will be better men than I am, and hopefully this shows some of you that you are not the only ones trying to rear decent human beings.

As a father, my resolution is to keep my kids focused on Jesus Christ, keep their minds engaged with their education and information, and make sure that they exercise at least four times a week. I am a dad to four boys, so you would think that I have enough to focus on, but when you think you have done enough for your kids, when you think that you have crossed all the T’s and dotted all the I’s, there is still more work to be done.My resolution is to continue to be a father to my kids.
Not just to be there for them, but to teach them about life, health, God, and the world. My resolution is to stay involved and active in their lives, and I don’t just mean by paying for their clothes or feeding them, but being genuinely interested in what is going on with them.
My resolution is to continue to teach them respect, love, morals, fighting for what they believe in, sticking to their principals, and imparting the history and idea that is America. I will continue to teach them that their mother is the most important thing in their world, the sun of their solar system, and to treat her well and help her always. I will continue to teach them to be good boys, to get a long and take care of one another and their family.I will teach them that no matter what, they will always have each other and one day, they will have to face the world without us to guide them.
In order to do that, they need to learn responsibility and how to make good, and sometimes tough decisions. This cannot be taught to them by television, movies, media, video games, the internet, or overbearing school officials that think they know what is best for your child. No, these things start at home with mom and dad. When it comes to children, they need their fathers.In order to have all of this imparted to them and have them ready for an increasingly hostile world, they have to take care of their mind by reading, writing, learning history, playing music, and making art. So what if you are not Picasso? Simply sitting down with your children and doing these things with them is enough. You do not have to be an expert. This will make their minds strong.
They need faith and a spiritual side to life as well. Serving other people and believing in something bigger and greater than themselves will keep them grounded, humble, and interested in being a part of society for more than their own selfish reasons and goals, not that there is anything wrong with goals, but you get the message.Last, but certainly not least, as all three of these areas, (the mind, body, and soul are equally important), physical fitness is important to not just the body, but the mind as well. I’m not just talking about playing on the Wii for a half hour. I am talking hiking, running, swimming, camping, fishing, weights, and martial arts. My resolution is to keep my kids in shape. I have to teach them to take care of themselves, or I will be doing them the greatest disservice I can think of. Any father that loves their children will not teach them to be helpless.
(Did you know? Most of the people who are incarcerated in this country did not have a father or a strong male role model in their life. Most high school drop-outs did not have a father in their life. Children that grow up without fathers tend not to get a college education, commit violent crimes more frequently, and have a higher rate of suicide and substance abuse.)
God Bless You.
Daniel P. O’Rourke

WWII Vet Dies of Injuries After Being Beaten by Two Black Teens

This is how veterans in America should be treated by the youth, instead, they are being murdered. (Photo Courtesy of

Will this be shown by the MSM? Will Obama say anything about this Veteran being beaten and left to die? I will say no. This society is spiraling out of control. We allow our children to no longer respect the elderly, let alone Veterans. Every man and woman in this country who claims to bleed RED, WHITE, and BLUE should be heartbroken by this story.

According to KXLY Spokane, 88 year old Delbert “Shorty” Belton was beaten in the parking lot of the Eagles Lodge in Spokane, WA on Wednesday evening. Witnesses say he was attacked around 8 p.m. on his way to play pool.

Belton, also known as “Shorty” at the Lodge, served in the United States Army during the Battle of Okinawa during World War II, where he was wounded in the leg by a gunshot.  Afterward, he worked for over 30 years at Kaiser Aluminum in Trentwood.

Police tried to track the suspects’ scent with K-9s, but were unsuccessful. They also believe that this was a random assault, and that he did not know his attackers before the beating took place.

Ted Denison, who was Shorty’s long-time best friend, said they played pool together at the Eagles Lodge occasionally and worked on cars daily. He also says Delbert was a great friend, who was always there for him, and that he was always fun to be around. “I thought of him more as a dad than I did a friend really,” he said.

Delbert Belton died of his injuries Thursday morning at Sacred Heart Medical Center.

This story is still developing, and more details will be reported. Will this be shown nationally? I think it should. This should hit EVERY news station, EVERY newspaper, and EVERY corner of the internet.

This kind of story really tugs at my heart, not only because I am Veteran, but also because I am an American. I have always had the utmost respect for elderly Vets of past wars. These are the brave souls who risked their lives, usually in the most horrible conditions, to fight for our freedoms and for our rights.

I am sure that these THUGS had no idea this man was a WWII Veteran, but whatever happened to respecting your elders? Are parents so far gone from their children’s lives that they no longer teach proper respect and morals, or was it the fact that he was an old, white man who was an easy target in a parking lot?

I am not trying to say that it was a hate crime, but you know as well as I do that if an elderly black man was beaten by two white teens, this would have been on every news channel Wednesday night. I wish I was wrong with that statement, but it has been made very clear that a lot citizens of this country have allowed themselves to be divided by race.

In closing, we need to start looking inside ourselves and ask “Where did we go wrong?” Young people in this country are not being taught what it means to be a soldier, a fighter for freedom…a patriot. We need to go back to being PROUD of our military and proud to call ourselves Americans. We have brothers and sisters who risk their lives for us to be safe here at home, and respect those who have fought…without knowing if they’d come home.

R.I.P. Delbert “Shorty” Belton. We will keep up the good fight, sir.

Jason Vandeberg

Insisting on Insanity


Roman Ruins

The wheel keeps turning…How many times have civilizations risen, only to crumble to dust in the 6000 odd years of this current cycle of recorded history? We can look back into the archeological record and find the evidence, we can corroborate myths and legends to form a pretty accurate picture of what happened to the Sumerians, Assyrians, Greeks,  Romans etc. We can refer to documentation, religious texts and other means to trace the end of the Aztecs and other “indigenous” tribes around the world.  We can do all this and more, yet it seems we really have learned nothing.

I’m not a scholar, I’m just an average person in all respects, yet it doesn’t take an Einstein to look back and see the disturbing similarities between the fallen empires of the past and what we are witnessing in the world today. We have technology the likes of which have never been seen before, we speak to each other from any point on the globe at the speed of light. We are taking the first tentative steps off this planet toward the stars. We can cure the once incurable if we so choose, yet we allow  a corrupt few to dominate the masses. We cower in fear in the presence of those who claim divine right, or by virtue of obscene wealth, the power to rule over us.

How many times throughout history have people stood against tyrants, only to have their society fall into ruin and chaos? How many times have humans knocked themselves so far back as to have to start from scratch? HOW MANY TIMES?!  With today’s technology, we, common human beings, have the ability to move mountains. Each and every one of us are unique and have the ability, the natural-born right to stand against the corrupt and despotic. We have the right to say no and determine for ourselves what direction to take on the path of life.  Look to the people of Egypt, descendants of one of the earliest great civilizations… 33 MILLION individuals became aware of their power to become one against tyranny, chose to say NO to the Muslim Brotherhood and their ally, the American GOVERNMENT. They choose to determine for themselves what government to have serve their needs, not what outsiders wish to impose on them.

This is the spirit that must be harnessed by all people yearning to be free. This is the biggest fear of the old money, so-called “powers that be”.

Those that call for a “New World Order” are quaking in their boots now that the “cattle” are stirring, becoming aware of the great power we hold.  We must not give up one more ounce of control to these evil cretins.  Every bit of control we give over to government ( especially that given over “for our own good”) puts us one step closer to an assured demise. We must not allow these creatures of the dark side to continue driving wedges of race, cultural difference, or political correctness between us to divide and conquer. We must drive those who wish to subjugate us beyond the brink of extinction, not merely underground as has been done in the past, only to have them rise up and threaten us again.

Many of the Earth’s major religions share common stories of creation, life, death and renewal.  Today, civilization seems to be rushing to the Final Conflict between good and evil.  Jesus may return astride a white horse, with a sword coming from His mouth, but it will be US doing the fighting against the evil that occupies the earth today…That is what people don’t understand, it will be PEOPLE fighting PEOPLE, not angels against demons. God can beat the Devil whenever he wants…He wants US to prove our strength and worthiness… at least that’s how I see it because that is how I’ve been raised. I’m not assuming to speak for other religions, but I will take a guess that their visions may be similar.

Speaking now strictly of Americans… We should be ashamed at what we have let our nation become. Regardless of what our so-called “leaders ” of today would have us believe, this nation may not have been founded solely on the Word of God, but surely on its principles.  What is so wrong with “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you?” Just what is so hideous in our Constitution and Bill of Rights that they should be changed at the whim of Obama and his perverted cohorts?  What makes them believe that they can run roughshod over the beliefs and desires of those they have been elected to serve?

America has become a modern-day Roman Empire, rife with corruption and lawlessness within the halls of power, its military stretched thin by ill-conceived wars of modern economic conquest. Welfare programs giving bailouts to the rich, handouts to the poor, all while breaking the backs of those in the middle who pay for it all.  The First Family jet-setting around the world while telling us to tighten our belts. Letting enemies to our way of life into our government, OUR White House, while we mere commoners must stay outside and not soil their surroundings.

Wake up America, Red, Black,Yellow, White, Brown, and every shade in between…Take a lesson from Egypt and every other country where people are willing to use sticks and stones against armored troops in their fight to be free…The final battle is coming, it is time to get off this wheel of insanity, break the cycle and move on to a new age, one of peace and dare I say enlightenment. Our governments have the ability to return us to the stone age, to oblivion if we let them. We must take the reins back now and destroy those who would do us harm. We must destroy the evil lurking among us once and for all. Good over Evil. Light over Darkness. Which do you choose?

Bret Bourg

Walking the Walk: The Spiritual Testimony of Daniel P. O’Rourke

My Dad, Daniel James O’Rourke Jr. and me (Daniel P. O’Rourke) shortly before his death.

Where do I begin? This is going to be long winded…I guess I would like to start by saying that the person in the Bible that I identify with the most is Paul the Apostle, who was once Saul, a hunter and murderer of Christians, who God struck blind on the road to Damascus, Syria, and who God told in that moment that he was to become Paul and the Lord’s greatest Apostle and testament to God’s power to change people. Paul also went on to write 2/3 of the New Testament. While I cannot claim to have written anything that amazing, or say that I am anywhere near Paul’s status, something I have in common with Paul other than that I used to be a violent and hard man is the fact that even after I was saved, I am brash, opinionated, and in your face. I used to not be able to stand Paul’s attitude in the Bible sometimes. Knowing myself, I understand that when I do not like that quality in someone, it is because it reminds me of myself. Well, I guess I better get started on my testimony and stop beating around the bush. Here it goes…

I was born on the Marine Corps Logistics Base in Barstow, California. For those of you who are not familiar with the area, it is smack-dab in the middle of the Mojave Desert, you know, Death Valley? Anyway, it is a hot, miserable little place with not only the heat to contend with, but rattlesnakes, tarantulas, scorpions, and all manner of things that creepeth and crawleth across the land.

My mom did not like it there. On top of that, she was only 19 when she got pregnant with me and was a young bride to my father who was much older than my mom, and a man who had joined the Marine Corps late in life (28 is old to go through Marine Corps Boot Camp). My mother did not like the desert, did not like the heat, and did not like the boring life of a new mother and house wife to a Marine that lived a very structured life. She informed my father that she was leaving with me when I was three months old to move to my grandmother’s house in the San Francisco Bay Area. My dad did not put up much of a fight and we moved.

My parents were divorced when I was two years old. My Daddy still wrote me almost everyday and came and saw me when he could on leave. My mom was not done sowing her wild oats, so she left me with my grandma and aunt most of the time, while she got into the Biker Lifestyle and drug, and bar scene in the 80’s era of California’s most violent time in modern history. While my mom was out doing her thing and I did not see her for months at a time, I was being sexually molested by my grandfather. My grandmother knew what my grandfather was doing, but she looked the other way just like she had done with her daughters a generation before.

Sometimes, my mom would come and get me and take me into these crazy situations in the Biker World that she was involved in (not all bikers are bad people and I just want to note that here), and I do not remember much but some flashes and glimpses of craziness. Anyway, my mother got involved with my father’s old friend, and was married to him by the time I was three. He was a Vietnam Veteran of the 101st Airborne, having spent his time in the Mekong Delta. He was now a long-haired Biker, with a Cocaine habit and a drinking problem, on top of severe PTSD. I remember flashes of my early childhood with them. Some good, some bad, the most memorable was my step-father chasing my mother around a truck in the middle of the night with a knife, the blade flashing in the moonlight, my mother yelling at me not to unlock the doors no matter what. I do not remember what happened, but apparently, no one got killed.

Then my real dad got shot and killed in an accident in the middle of the Mojave Desert’s Owl Canyon Area. He succumbed to a single gunshot would to the base of the spine from a .22 Long Rifle that ricocheted and came out the top of his head. His last words as he put his hand to the top of his head and then looked at his hand covered in blood was, “Oh, shit. I’ve been shot.” Then, for all intents and purposes, he died. I have been told that his body fought to live for hours, but that he was brain-dead almost immediately. The San Bernardino County Sheriffs did not keep very accurate records back then as it was all paper. He was still in the Corps, but it happened off base, so it was wrapped up as an accidental shooting. I have never gotten the whole story and probably never will. But that is not the end of it. Continue reading